Donate now to help us end violence.

Support the Sammy D Foundation to empower young people through education and mentoring.

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I'd like to make this donation

Provide an at-risk young person with a mentoring session activity such as movies, crafts or plaster fun.
Provide an at-risk young person with a significant mentoring session event such as the zoo or a sporting match along with lunch.
Fund weekly mentoring activities for two months and support an at-risk young person to reach their goals.
Support up to 100 students to hear Sam’s story and to learn about the impacts of violence.
Support up to 100 students to access a crucial violence prevention presentation along with follow on workshops.
Fully fund 26x 90 minute mentoring sessions for an at-risk young person with a fully trained youth mentor who has the support of an experienced coordinator.

Your Details

Payment Details

Total amount

Direct deposit details:

Account Name: Sammy D Foundation
BSB: 105156
Account No: 046540340

If you would like a tax deductible receipt for your direct deposit, please email us at

  • Nat just donated $2,000
  • Cath just donated $20
  • Ann just donated $50
  • Martin just donated $99.17
  • Rosemary just donated $105.50
  • BRUCE & LOU just donated $50.64
  • Nick just donated $158.25
  • Michael just donated $158.25
  • Adam just donated $200
  • Zebby Ari and Harry just donated $50
  • John just donated $48
  • Nat just donated $21.10
  • Nat Cook just donated $52.75
  • Melissa Limberis just donated $21.10
  • Anne & Theo just donated $50
  • Mike Gambell just donated $26.38
  • Sarah Kay just donated $26.38
  • Deanna W just donated $26.38
  • Jessica Stewart just donated $36.93
  • Max Rodda just donated $63.30

Your donation will support young people to live their best life free from violence.

Every 7 minutes somewhere in the world an adolescent is killed by an act of violence.

- (UNICEF 2017)